Sunday, 11 September 2011

New Video Luvs

Hi Luvs, I'm pretty pissed at the moment, but here's a video to enjoy.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Quentin La Vida Homo

Escapin' !

Helllloooooooo! Friends, Fans, and of course, Fucks. I am BACK Baby and it is about TIME! Well, I mean what a couple of months for me! You all of course know about my soirees in Cornwall, in Holland and working at fantastic Dutch brothels, and then the terrible incident with quarantine! Poor poor me, little old sweet innocent Quentin! I was so scared for a time there that I would die behind bars, it was bad enough at first but once the mutations started happening... but anyway thankfully that's all over now!

Of course I escaped! As Mr Humphries would say, "I'm freeeeeeeeeee!" I have to admit, at first I was tempted to head back to the brothel I had been working at, but I realised that would be stupid as I would probably end up arrested again. I decided to get travelling, but after hitch-hiking out of Holland I ended up in Belgium and I thought, what a fucking shit hole, let's just get back to good old Blighty and leave the boring continent behind.

Beach Bummin'
I obviously couldn't just walk onto a plane, as I had no passport and if my name came up on any systems alarm bells would probably ring as the words "ESCAPED CONVICT" flashed up on a computer screen. Luckily, sneaking on board a Ferry at Bruges Port was easy enough as the Belgiums are a bunch of sexually-repressed Poirots who would do anything for a quick blow-job.

The Good Life!
I didn't plan anything naughty, but after hooking up with another passenger, he was hot, and rich, but far too needy. So one night he was talking about "getting serious" and we'd had a bit too much champagne, I may have accidentally pushed him overboard and caused him to die horribly. But luckily, I was able to nick his credit card before others realised he was missing. So once we docked at some God-awful-UK-seaside resort I was off and booking myself into the swankiest hotel I could find!

Goofin' Around
I had some fun, just relaxing, sunbathing, shoplifting and shagging, but I realised that it was time to go home. I tried hitching again but no-one would bite, so I had to do a spot of carjacking to get myself a ride. I ditched the car at Bath so the cops wouldn't get suspicious, and hiked back to Bristol.

Everyone was so excited to see me! And of course they should be! Even Fanny, though I'm sure it won't be long before we're up to our fun game of trying to kill each other again. Such a laugh! Tafryn is especially glad I'm back the kinky fucker, so I better go now so I can give him a good hard seeing to!

Love you all!

Quentin Clapper xxx

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Lady Gaga Judas Parody! "Huge Ass"! (uploaded by Fanny)

Alright Fanny Fan's, Here's my Lady Gaga Video, I totally didn't ripped it off or nuthing!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Fanny Loveless: The Rapture! (or How I learned to stop worrying and embrace the Cult of Fannyology)

So, you may have all noticed that yesterday was the end of the world. 21st May 2011. No? I didn't notice either must've been a quiet one. Oh, sorry, what I should've said is one tiny church full of fucked up morons decided it was the end of the world yesterday. And they were wrong. As so many before them have been.

That's right. One tiny sodding fucking church, and they probably didn't even believe it themselves. I mean, in the last few years I can think of a good half-a-dozen-times some cult of brainwashed fucktards have decided a particular date means the end of ze world and then... nothing. But what I want to know is why are we giving these fucking morons mouthpieces? Column inches, tv time, the Western World's media is happy to relay the bollocks that these fucktards are spouting.


Even WORSE than this is that some people have been actually and genuinely WORRIED that the fucktards might be right. If you'd went on twitter yesterday and searched on the hashtag #justincase you would have seen hundreds of tweets from people repenting for their sins and begging forgiveness "just in case" the four fucking horsemen of the apocalypse are getting ready for their ride of fire across the sky. WHAT THE FUCK? What the fuck is wrong with people?

If you ask me, the whole thing was just a cynical ploy by church leaders. Get them publicity. Get them in the news. Get people talking about them. Sure, they will be inevitably proved wrong but they can just do a quick handwave and say "oh, um just a miscalculation, we were out by 18 months because we forgot to carry the 2", and hopefully have converted a few more easily-led morons into their religion. No offence Christians, but that's kind of the thing with Christianity isn't it? The hard sell. The importance on Conversion.

With all of these people enthralled, scared and enraptured by this apocalyptic prediction I am seriously thinking of starting my own religion. "The Cult of Fanny-ology". Though shalt always watch thy X-Factor and smoke thy Lucky Strikes and induldge in the drinking of the sacred water from Jacob's Creek. Though shalt worship your Lord Fanny every day but especially on Thursday nights when there's nothing I like on telly and you can all film me YouTube videos to entertain me. Oh and subscribing to my Youtube channel is a given.

And then, oh Cult of Fannyists, I shall predict the end of the world. 3 weeks next Friday. And the only way to prevent the Rapture is to walk around naked and covered in olive oil all day. Unless your old, fat or ugly. Or a woman. And yay this shall please your lord and the world shall keep turning. Hey? There might be some sorry but sexy fools who do it.... #justincase ...


Sunday, 15 May 2011

Winnifred Bulldyke: All About Winnifred

Well hello there me dears! How are you? All well I hope! Well as we've had some good news about Quentin I thought I'd take the time to let you all know a bit more about little old me.

I was born in a stable in Burrowbridge, in the summer of '79 to my dear old parents, my mother  Welliminia Vandyke and my father Studley Bullcock, they named me Winnifred, and due to Cowish naming conventions I was Winnifred Bulldyke! Well, what's in a name? Quite a lot it turns out! Well, as you all probably know Winnifred was the Patron Saint of Virgins, and I am technically a virgin, never having had my lady garden plowed by an obtrusive male phallus, because, I am a lesbian! Or dyke for want of a better word.

Well, how did I know I was a lesbian, you all ask? Well, as a calf I always knew I wasn't like the other young bovines in my field. I never wanted to grow up to be a butter cow like all of the other girls, and the young bulls never interested me either. I couldn't care less about big bulbous bull testicles, but the other girls udders did use to make me feel all funny. The other young calves noticed this, and used to make fun of me and talk about me behind my back. Well, it was then that I realised I was destined for a life away from the fields and the farms, and was headed for the big city.

I moved into Bristol because, well, because it was the nearest big city really. And I couldn't afford to travel too far, especially as I had to hitch a ride on a milk float because public transport was always prejudiced towards cows. Well, seeing all the poor deprived people in Bristol who had to survive on Special Brew and couldn't afford food because their benefits couldn't stretch to cover both, I knew that Social Care was where I was headed.

At first, getting by was difficult. I took a low paying job at a local Asda whereby I just had to stick my head through a hole in the wall in the milk section and say "moo" whenever someone walked past, but that barely kept the green (grass) coming in, and my bedsit was ridiculously over-priced, so I started moonlighting in a local fetish club.

I had to hang from the ceiling, bound and gagged, whilst sexily dressed women would beat me with sticks, like a pinata, and dirty fat old men would pay good money to watch whilst touching themselves. Well, luckily I soon had saved up enough money to pay for a Social Care degree at the University of the West of England (UWE), and so I quit. Asda that is. I kept the fetish club job as it kept me in grass and textbooks, and paid the bills to boot! well, I mean, the thing was, I loved it! I mean, you would too if you worked with women like this:

Not only did the job pay well, but it really helped me come to terms with, and explore, my sexuality. I no longer felt like a freak, I had countless flings with so many women, and I learned all there is about teasing and pleasing the clitoris. Well, eventually I graduated with a 2:1, well I probably would've got a first if it wasn't for the night job, but without that job I wouldn't be the cow I am today. I quit the job at the fetish club with no regrets, I knew I couldn't make fetish work my life, and really, as I got older what work would there be for a saggy-uddered old dyke? And besides which, I always knew social care was my calling, my raison d'etre, or, you know.

SO I got a job running a halfway house for disturbed and troubled farm animals. PERFECT! I love my job and the satisfaction I get working with my tenants. And then there's my neighbour, Fanny, well, I know she's just a friend and she's not interested in me because she likes men. But well, you never know, one day, maybe..... !

Thanks for reading this, and if you ever fancy chatting just leave a comment on this post and I'll get in touch!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Quentin Clapper: I'm Alive

Writing this very quickly. I'm alive. Escaped them the other day since that video text. Just grabbed this pic of some. Still in hiding. Will update you soon. HELP ME.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Fanny Loveless: True Confessions

Dear Quentin, I don't know if you will ever read this, or even if you ever read anything ever again but... I have a confession to make.

The Dutch authorities weren't just on a random raid, they were there specifically looking for you, and the reason I know that is because... I was the one who told them.

I'm so so fucking sorry. Seriously I am loves, really well and truly. I never thought you'd end up in that crazy Quarantine Prison, I just thought they would deport you back to the UK!

I am racked with guilt every second of the day, Really. Well OK, when I listen to the new Jedward song I don't feel so bad. Or if I'm drinking wine. Or having a fag. Or eating some trill. Or watching some telly. Or looking at porn on the Internet. But when I'm not doing any of those things I'm feeling really sad and guilty. Well, unless Aunty Hy or Winnifred Lesbo Bulldyke or Montel or the fucking pig are trying to talk to me in which case I'm just pissed off. But the rest of the time. Guilty as hell.

I'm trying to formulate some sort of plan to help you, on the off chance you're still alive and managing to survive in the zombie-infested quarantine facility somehow. OK! Not zombie-infested, zombies aren't real that's just stupid, but you know what I mean. The rabid-genetically-modified-animal infested quarantine facility. If you're reading this please find some way to let me know you survive!

Love from your old dear Fanny x

Monday, 2 May 2011

Quentin in Quarantine! (Updated by Fanny Loveless)

Hey Fanny Flaps,

Fucking Hell! What have I done! I just had this video message in from Quentin! He looks like he's in some sort of demonic Animal Quarantine!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Quentin Clapper: Quarantine!

Oh my GOD! Fanny, you are never going to believe what's happened to me!

I was working at the Gay Brothel Sauna Thing as usual a few days ago when there was a bust! It was a normal afternoon, the sun was shining outside and I was inside getting spitroasted by a big hairy Arabic bloke (who had the arse) and a mincing little Japanese twink (who had the mouth) when suddenly a dozen suited&booted armed officers came storming in.

At first I just thought there was some kind of kinky role play going on, but one of the officers handcuffed me, and didn't even try and stick his dick anywhere near me. A large cloak was thrown over my head and then I must've been led out of the sauna and threw in a van, it was cold in there and smelt of petrol and old piss.

After a few hours the van stopped and I was hauled out. Fanny I've no idea where I am! Except that it's scary and according to the signs it's some sort of Quarantine facility? A man chucked me into a cage and started shouting at me about immigration, visas and animal control laws. I've no idea what he was on about but I've been kept in the cage ever since.

Luckily, while I was working I had my i-phone rammed up my hole for safe keeping, but I'm being watched nearly 24/7 so I've got to pick my moments to get it out. Fanny, you have to help me! Find out where I am and get me out of here! I'll keep my ears open and post again when I've gathered some more information. I'm too sexy to die!


Saturday, 23 April 2011

Quentin Clapper: Dutch Courage

Oh Fanny! Me and you getting married? That's HILARIOUS! But it reminds me of a book I got for you as a present, I'll post it to you later today.

Work is brilliant, I've managed to do over a few old queens, got loadsa cash, some jewellery, an i-phone, a notebook, and enough flavoured lube to fill the Herengracht! Originally I was just planning on making enough money to plan my trip home, but I like it here so much that I'm gonna stay. This is the life I was born to lead! Sure my arse is sorer than a baboon's most of the time and most morning's I wake up drenched in some fat old lardy bloke's sweat and cum but hey, it's a living!

I hope you're not too upset Fanny, I'm sure you will manage without me. Maybe you can come visit some day? Just fly over - if your wings are up to it that is. If not, well it was nice knowing you. Love to Aunty Hy and the pig, give my cousin a smash over the head from me.


Friday, 22 April 2011

Fanny Loveless: Montel Has Landed

Oh Hello there, i'm Aunty Hy!

Bloody Aunty Hy! Inviting Bloody bollocky Montel round! SQUAAAAAAK! Videos for your benefit, Quentin! As you can see they want us to get married! What a fucking joke!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Quentin Clapper: Two-Dicks in Amsterdam (and then some!)

Aunty Hyacinth! Oh Fanny you must be absolutely LOVING that, now be on your best behaviour. I would suggest knocking her off but knowing you it’ll be obvious and you’ll get thrown in jail and lose all the inheritance! Uh I’m such a bitch! When Montel arrives back you have to tell him everything about what I’ve been up to, it’ll drive him mad! Oh and try spiking his drinks, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried it on with Aunty Hyacinth if you can get him off his face!

Anyway, Amsterdam is amazing, after I left the docks at Den Haag it didn’t take me long to hitch a ride. Since I figured none of these dirty foreigners could speak English, instead of writing a sign I just drew a picture of me in a suggestive position. Well anyway, some rough piece of trade in an Edam Lorry picked me up, and guess what – it turns out most people over their do speak English so they’re not so backwards after all! It only took about an hour to reach Amsterdam, and once we were there I paid him off on the top of a pile of stinky cheese and set off on my way!

Amsterdam is gorgeous, I mean really Fanny it’s pretty amazing, it makes Bristol look even worse if that's possible. The culture, the shopping, the atmosphere.... oh who am I kidding I've just spent the whole time in the red light district! Sex shops, brothels, saunas AMAZING it makes Old Market Street look like a cardboard box with a rat living in it. Well obviously I don't have any money but luckily I managed to get a job at a gay massage parlour. Gonna keep this one short and sweet as I have to get back to work, listen I'm gonna see if I can do a job over on one of the rich clients. WIll keep you updated!

Stay in touch!!!!!!

Fanny Loveless: What a ******** joke!

Quentin Clapper I can't BELIEVE you! We've all been absolutely worried sick that something might have happened to you. OK, not worried sick so much, just curious as if something bad had happened to you we would've liked to have seen it. SQUAAAAAAK!

Well it's no surpise to find you've been whoring yourself around, as per usual. Did you get any pics or video footage of the sailors? Why are all sailors raging homos anyway? What a fucking joke! While you're galloping off moose-style in Never-Never Land (I googled Amsterdam and that's where it is right?) I'm stuck here with the rest of the morons. Winnifred Bulldyke has been more annoying than ever trying it on with me every second of the day, and even worse my bloody Aunt Hyacinth has decided to visit! I'm sure I've told you about her before? She's the one that's absolutely LOADED but she's a total upper-class old bint and she does my head in! I have to pretend I'm a nice bird who doesn't drink or swear. And get this - she thinks you and me are going to get married! Fat clucking chance of THAT happening.

AND EVEN MORE WORSE at first when you went missing your cousin Pastor Zebra-Faced Phelps pissed off on a tour of the UK to go around preaching and annoying people, but Aunty Hy has only gone and bloody called him and asked him to come back to Bristol!!! She thinks as he's your cousin he might be able to help find you. I haven't told her you've got in touch yet as I was worried she might want to see what you've written and if she does she'll have a heart attack but not before a quick deathbed rewrite of her Last Will&Testanment taking away all my hard-earned cash that I'm entitled to... she's starting to get suspicious about the pearls as well I think.

Anyway, let me know what Amsterdam is like, I'll update you when Montel Twat-Faced Phelps arrives.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Quentin Clapper: Sea and Semen, er, Sea-men

Fanny you old slag! I just found your blog when idly googling for my own name again!

Firstly, I can't believe those cunts let me blow away and then didn't try to rescue me. Tossers! The wind was so rough and wild, I seemed to be in the air for hours. I must've passed out  when in the air as I just remember waking up and being wet. Really wet. Wetter than that time you pissed on me when you caught me slipping razor blades into your trill. I was floating in the salty, salty water and I could feel all my energy slipping from my nubile attractive body. Luckily, as I felt like I was about to meet the great reindeer in the sky I spotted a cargo ship drifting past, and so I summoned my last ounce of juice and hollered.

The shouting worked. The Cargo Ship had spotted me and it came to the rescue! A net was thrown overboard, and I was hauled on board. I think the sailors were disappointed at first as they thought I was some kind of exotic fish or tasty treat, little did they know that they were my tasty treat! There were three of them, all burly, built and bearded, and they were going to haul my cute ass back into the ocean when I started crying and begged them to let me stay on board. I don't think they understood English at all, but luckily they understood the international language of love, well lust, well, cock.

When they saw me seductively lick my lips and eye their bulges they knew were I was coming from. Before I knew it two of them were spit-roasting me and the third, the biggest one of the lot was wanking off into my face. After this terrible ordeal they let me sleep for a few hours, (I refer you to the pic above) but then they were constantly having their way with me every day and night. It was 4 days before we were ashore and I was knackered.

We pulled into a harbour at Den Haag, I remember as I thought "Hag, just like Fanny!" and I think they were planning on keeping me locked on board ship ready for when they set off again, but quite frankly, I was sick of their cocks and wanted some fresh meat - literally! So I was going to plan how to get back home but then I thought fuck it, when's the next time you're going to get this prime opportunity to go to Amsterdam, Cock Capital of the planet! So I strutted down to the nearest motorway or whatever the fuck they call their sorry excuses for roads in Holland and set about hitch hiking a ride!

Quentin does Amsterdam! I'll tell you more later! See you soon, say hi to my cousin for me and tell him where I am, he'll love that! Uhhhhhh-huh-huh-huuuuh!!!!!!!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Fanny Loveless: Desperately Seeking Quentin

Quentin Clapper. Less a man, and more a reindeer. Or maybe a moose. The reason for this blog in the first place. Let me explain....

It all started so well. I had fled Liverpool after local cops were under the mistaken impression that a string of arson attacks in the area may have been down to me. Utter bollocks of course. Just because I think that Twiggy's a stupid old cunt with a saggy turkey neck doesn't mean I'm gonna take my anger out on the local branches of M&S. So anyway, I fled Liverpool and arrived at Bristol, aka the UK's number 1 shit-hole. So I moved in with some gays who let me use their place to make my award-winning Fanny Factor videos, reviewing hit ITV show The X Factor.

And then Quentin moved in.

Quentin & I... or should that be me & Quentin... whatever... anyway we hit it off immediately. That's to say, I hit him immediately. He wound me up the wrong way. The little fucking tosser. Pissing me off when I'm filming the Fanny Factor, getting in my face, and so I beat him. But then he started fighting back. Drugging me, attacking me with baseball bats, you know the usual stuff.

Due to our constant fighting I was amused, happy, abso-fucking-lutely delighted when he was lost at sea in a wind-related accident. At first. I may be a masserkist. A masocrist. A... a.... oh fuck it, I may be someone who likes bad things happening to me(?) but I miss Quentin. I need him there to argue with, and to fight! My life is just not the same without him.

So if you're reading this Quentin, come the fuck back you little twat. And if someone else sees this who knows his whereabouts get in touch with me ASAP! I promise a reward! (A signed picture of me).


Fanny Meets Aunt Hyacinth (Blooper 3)

Fanny Meets Aunt Hyacinth (Blooper 2)

Fanny Meets Aunt Hyacinth (Blooper 1)

Fanny Loveless: Meeting Aunty Hyacinth

Well, I'd been trying to avoid her but no such luck! Gotta keep her sweet cuz of the inheritance money. I think I totally managed to distract her away from the pearls as well, phew! It was Aunty Hy who gave me the idea to start this blog in the first place!

Fanny Loveless: Fanny Eats a Sandwich

When Quentin was around he was always playing silly little tricks on me, like this time when he gave me a poisoned sandwich for my How to Eat a Sandwich video (inspired by Youtube user Curiosity Rocks).

Fanny Loveless: At My Cunning Best

So, I was at home the other day with Jimmy (one of my owners) and he'd left his wallet on the table in front of me, packed with cash! Obviously a girl like me can't resist temptation like that! Luckily I was so sneaky I think I got away with it!


Now how the Fuck do you work this thing?